14 October 2010

A Final List of Must-Sees in London

7. St. Paul's Cathedral - this historic site has been the venue of many notable events such as the wedding of Charles and Diana - the Prince and Princess of Wales. Designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1710, we suggest you don't miss the Whispering Gallery.

8. Trafalgar Square – Don't miss Nelson's Column, which celebrates England's greatest sea-farer. Also, don't miss the lions! You can walk across the square to the National Gallery too. Each year in December, the people of Norway send a gift of an enormous Christmas tree to Britain, which is erected in Trafalgar Square.

9. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre - this theatre is a reconstruction of the original Globe where Shakespeare's plays were first shown to the world. The Globe Theatre is a faithful reconstruction of the open-air playhouse designed in 1599. The theatre season runs from May to September with productions of the work of Shakespeare, his contemporaries and modern authors.

10. The British Museum – founded in 1753, the British Museum holds in trust for the nation and the world a collection of art and antiquities from ancient and living cultures. Housed in one of Britain's architectural landmarks, the collection is one of the finest in existence, spanning two million years of human history. Access to the collections is free.

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