04 December 2009

Venice and Northern Pearls

This unique itinerary will take you through Italy’s beautiful Veneto region, home to some of Europe’s greatest cultural, artistic, and architectural treasures. Your vacation starts at the Villa Pace Park Hotel Bolognese, an oasis of tranquility and refinement, only 20 minutes from Venice. In the evening you’ll enjoy a welcome dinner featuring the sumptuous cuisine and wine of the region. Then enjoy a comprehensive walking tour of Venice including stops at Piazza San Marco, The Doge’s Palace, and the magical Bridge of Sighs. Other highlights include a glass blowing exhibition and time to explore on your own, a must in this magical city of picturesque canals, balconied palazzi, and winding lanes.

Piazza San Marco is the principal square of Venice! The Piazza originated in the 9th century as a small area in front of the original St Mark's Basilica. It was enlarged to its present size and shape in 1177, when the Rio Batario, which had bounded it to the west, and a dock, which had isolated the Doge's Palace from the square, were filled in. The rearrangement was for the meeting of Pope Alexander III and the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.

The Piazza has always been seen as the centre of Venice. It was the location of all the important offices of the Venetian state, and has been the seat of the archbishopric since the 19th century. It was also the focus for many of Venice's festivals. It is a greatly popular place in Italy even today.

With Sceptre Tours you will enjoy escourted walking tours of Venice and will witness the magnificance of Piazza San Marco! Sceptre Tours gives you the lowest prices on Italian vacation packages and European vacation packages! Choose Sceptre Tours for your next trip to Venice!

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