10 June 2010

Some Gems in Italy

If you visit Rome, spend at least one day just walking around the city. You’ll discover many tiny sites and historical finds that are not on any tourist map. These sites may have been uncovered during the construction of another building and never completely excavated, but are there to stumble across and enjoy away from the bustling crowds.

By all means, visit the well-known museums in the major cities, but for a real treat take a drive outside the cities and seek out small towns and villages. You’ll discover some of the most amazing and unexpected treasures tucked into alcoves or painted on the walls of village churches throughout the country.

Skip the hotels and rent a villa or cottage in a small town if you’re traveling to Italy for more than a few days. In many cases, it won’t cost much more – and will often be less – than a stay in a good hotel, and your hosts will treat you as part of the family while you’re there.

Visiting Italy you will find out it is a country of contrasts and beauties whose charm grows deeper and warmer with every visit. It’s no wonder that it regularly tops the list of holiday destinations worldwide, or that so many who visit return again and again to its warm and welcoming arms.

Italy's Food and Scenery

Visit Italy for the Scenery

The scenic vistas of Italy are as varied as its twenty regions. From snowcapped mountains to sweeping, white sand beaches, the natural beauty of Italy is as alive and vivid as the paintings of its most famous artists. When you venture beyond the cities, you’ll still find the untamed beauty of the Tuscan hills with their craggy, winding paths and terraced vineyards. You can wander through twenty three national parks and nearly 500 protected nature preserves that are protected by the government. There are sea cliffs and alpine mountains, rolling hills and open plains. And there is always, of course, the sea with its ever-changing yet everlasting face.

Visit Italy for the Food

Italian food and hospitality is famous the world over for its abundance. Abondanza is a concept that is well-understood in the Mediterranean country. Everywhere you go, you’ll find groaning tables and open, welcoming arms inviting you to mangia! Mangia!! A full tour of Italy is a gustatory delight, for there is no single style of Italian cooking. Instead, each region of Italy has its own unique flavors and combinations that are drawn from the local specialties and available foods. Tuscany is famous for its seafood, Milan for its rich sauces and complex flavors, Bologna for its traditional red sauce. Eating and drinking well is a way of life in Italy, and whether you treat yourself to a fine meal in one of Rome’s five-star restaurants, or stop at a roadside ristorante in a small province, you’re sure to be served the best of the best.

Italy's Art and History

See Italy for the Art

Vacations to Italy was the center of the Renaissance, and is one of the most artistically rich countries in the entire world. According to UNESCO, half the world’s artistic and historic treasures are located in Italy. In Florence, Venice, Rome, Naples, Milan and other cities, you’ll find artistic and architectural wonders that you won’t find anywhere else. Michelangelo, da Vinci, Botticelli, Tintorello, Correggio, Donatello – the most famous artists of all the eras worked and left their legacies in frescoes, paintings and statues throughout the country. And while much of the art is held in museums in nearly every city, there is art everywhere, from the stunning stained glass windows in a tiny chapel in Abruzzi to the painted ceilings of cathedrals.

Travel to Historic Italy

History lives in Italy. Long known as the cradle of Western civilization, Italy’s cities and countryside are a treasure trove of historical sites. You can walk the Via Appia and feel the weight of centuries drop away as you realize that two thousand years ago, this very road was traveled by the armies and citizens of Imperial Rome. Visit the Coliseum in Rome, or wander through the preserved city of Pompeii and become a part of history. And of course, there is the Vatican, the walled city inside Rome that is the home and the heart of the Catholic Church, where scholars come to study ancient texts and treasures.

Why is Italy the Top Tourist Destination?

Every year, the U.S. Tour Operators Association, a professional association of travel agents and tour operators who arrange travel for more than 10 million travelers every year, runs an informal survey among members to name the world’s top vacation destinations. Year after year, one country tops the list of international vacation destinations – Italy, the heart of civilization, the cradle of romance and the home of the Holy Sea.

What is it that makes vacations to Italy so special? The spectacular scenery and warm, wonderful climate are only the background of the picture. Italy is a colorful mosaic of travel experiences, a delicious mélange of flavors and cultures that offers something for every traveler. From cosmopolitan culture buff to adventurer, from the serious student of history to the socialite, Italy truly is the country that caters to them all and everyone in between.

Travel to Italy’s cities and countryside offer a true embarrassment of riches. You could easily spend months touring the countryside and never see half of what the country has to offer. What is it that brings so many to bella Italia every year?

Places to Stay in Italy

When you travel to Italy you can be rest assured that accommodations will not be a problem. Remember that this is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world, so there is a healthy helping of hotels, villas, inns, and bed and breakfasts to choose from. You may be on a budget, you may want to live in luxury, you may want to experience Italy in the home of an Italian or you may be traveling in a group and prefer to stay at a place that can accommodate everyone. All the largest international hotels chains have a place in Italy, so if that is what you prefer then there will be plenty of choices - especially in Rome.

During your vacation to Italy, you will find that there is something to suit everyone’s needs. However, to completely experience Italy on your vacation it is recommended that you stay at a small bed and breakfast if you can. Most of these are family run and you will hear all kinds of stories, folklore and little known facts that may not be in any of the guide books you may have with you on your Italy vacation.

Passports and Visas for an Italian Vacation

When traveling to Italy there are several things you must have. The least of these are a passport and maybe even a visa. If this is your first time traveling out of the US, you will need to apply for a passport. You may also need to apply for a passport if your old one has expired, is damaged or lost. Applying for a passport is a fairly simple process which may be as simple as a trip to the post office, but be sure to start early so you can be ready. There are stories of people who have had to cancel vacations because their passport was not ready.

When traveling to Italy, the US Department of State asks that you allow six months for them to process your passport application, however some travelers have found it only took a few weeks. You can apply online, however first time applicants must apply in person. The main supporting document that is required is a valid original US birth certificate. Passport applicants are sometimes surprised to find that their original birth certificate needs to be submitted to the Department of State with a promise of it being mailed back. Many people tend to be leery of this especially because they have found how difficult it is to get a replacement birth certificate. However, most report that within a short period of receiving their new passports, their birth certificates arrive in the mail safe and sound.

Italian Wine and Dessert

Let us, of course, not forget about the famous Italian wine. Italy is the world's leading producer of wine. Not only does it produce and export more than any other country, it also offers the greatest variety types, colors and flavors. Some of the vines around Rome have been producing wine for many centuries. But the art of wine-making itself goes back thousands of years in Italy.

However, it was not until the 1960's that a nation-wide program regulating the industry was enacted by the Italian government. An indication of DOCG (Denonominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) will ensure that the wine has passed the strictest standards by the government. However, wine tastes are very subjective, and that label will not always ensure the best tasting wine. Many of the table or house wines ("vino di casa") served by restaurants will also be very good. I suggest that you experiment with as many wines as possible. And of course, don't drink and drive in Italy. They have tough laws as well.

And when it comes to ice cream, or "gelato," Italy has some of the finest that there is to offer. You can savor just about any fruit, flavor or combination in "gelato" form.

Some Eating Etiquette in Italy

Consequently, a dinner ("cena") can last for a few hours. You will always have to ask for your check in an Italian restaurant. A good Italian waiter (or waitress) will never bring the check without you asking for it (unless it is closing time). With that in mind, everything is usually very carefully made with the finest ingredients. They don't rush things. If you are in a hurry, you do not want to eat in an Italian restaurant. But since you are here for vacation, just relax and try to enjoy "la dolce vita", or the good life, that the Italians are experts at doing.

Tipping: Usually the restaurant will include the "servizio" in the bill. However, it is not uncommon to leave some change on the table, (or maybe even 1 Euro per person) if the service was exceptionally good. At a bar, it is customary to leave 10 or 20 Eurocents on the counter after you are done.

For Italian households, lunch ("pranzo") is usually the main meal of the day which starts around 1 or 2PM. However, in the northern industrialized cities such as Rome and Milan, dinner ("cena") is becoming the most important meal of the day for working families.

Italian breakfasts ("la colazione") are usually not much to brag about....they will start their day with an espresso and a croissant-type pastry called a "cornetto". You will have a hard time finding a breakfast consisting of eggs and pancakes in Italy, as you would in the United States or Canada or even Great Britain.

Italian Cuisine

Italians don't eat to live...Italians live to eat! Once you have a taste of their cuisine, you will know why. Many people mistakenly believe that Italian cuisine consists of only pizza and spaghetti. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Italian cuisine is very varied and very regionalized. That's one of the beautiful things about Italy is that visiting each region is almost like visiting a new country. The cuisine in Bologna (region of Emilia-Romana) is a lot different than what you would find in Sicily.

There are many different types of eating establishments in Italy. I recommend that you try as many as you can.

Meal times are usually around 2PM for lunch and around 8PM for dinner time. Dinner can even start later down south around Naples or Palermo.

A full Italian meal (excluding breakfast) will usually run the gamut from:

* Antipasta – Appetizers

* Primo piatto (First course -usually pasta or rice)

* Secondo piatto (Second course - usually meat, fish or chicken)

* Contorni - Vegetables

* Insalata - Salad

* Dolci - Desserts

Places to Visit in Italy

There are wonderful places like to visit Rome, picturesque Venice, cultural Florence, and the wonderful coastlines of Amalfi and Italy’s distinctive islands. The most famous place of Italy is Tuscany. It is without doubt considered the most beautiful region in Italy because of its landscapes and its artistic legacy. In 1860 Tuscany became a part of Italy. Pisa is the budget airline doorway to Tuscany, but Florence also has its own airport. Rome and Bologna Forli are other options with excellent transport links to Tuscany. Tuscany is a place where best italy vacation rental can be found. The main railways running through Tuscany are the Rome-Pisa-Genoa-Turin line and the Rome-Florence-Bologna-Milan line, which provide quick and well-organized connections with the rest of Italy. Tuscany’s smaller towns are well-connected by bus.

Florence is Tuscany’s crown, with its beautiful buildings, rich history, priceless art and distinctive atmosphere. For decades Tuscany has been the dream holiday for many travelers all over. Minor Tuscan destinations which are famous with holidaymakers include Lucca,San Gimignano area. San Gimignano has been called a “medieval Manhattan and people group to this tiny village to see the popular skyscrapers. If you arrive here before 9:30 am you will see the village as it was meant to be seen, i.e., tranquil and peaceful, localities enjoying their first cappuccino of the day as they contemplate an active day ahead. This place will be packed with tourist At 9:30 the buses begin to park outside the ancient walls and the day trippers start coming. All day there will be a steady stream, arriving frequently in groups of 20 or so.

Vacation in Italy

Vacations to Italy show Italy is historically rich, bold, romantic and colorful. Italy is keystone of today’s western culture. Italy is agriculturally rich country. Its countryside is a prolific producer of fruit, vegetables and livestock. Also culturally rich, Italy has created the world’s best art, architecture, music and literature. Italy’s greatest wealth is its people. People here are sociable, charming that seem to know how to do everything bigger and better. They are lively, gregarious and have ardor for everything they do. They are expressive because they show their emotions more freely than most and are not reluctant to give hugs, kisses, and other displays of affection.

Italians love to laugh and talk loudly, usually giving stress on everything using hand gestures. They are not at all reluctant to welcome strangers into their towns and homes, and are always all set to share a meal or a story, a good joke or song etc. They love their food, their families, their music and custom. They display confidence, charisma and hospitality. Travel to Italy has received more attention from tourist in the last decade than any other European country. For these reasons tourist will find that vacation in italy is most memorable experience of their life


Etiquette in Italy

Everyday Etiquette: Italy

Meeting People
When traveling to Italy and meeting people for the first time it is appropriate to wait to be introduced. You will generally be introduced to the oldest person first followed by the women.

The exchange of business cards is a common practice when first meeting someone. Status is important in the Italian culture and it is common to list any titles and/or education degrees you hold on your business cards.

Physical Greetings
When greeting someone a handshake accompanied by a “Pleased to meet you” is appropriate. When departing be sure to shake everyone’s hand, a general group wave as is often done in the United States is not looked on favorably.

An “air kiss” is an appropriate greeting once you have established a relationship with someone.

Physical Space on Your Italian Vacation
Italians stand much closer to one another than Americans do and it is common for men to walk down the street arm and arm and also women to walk down the street arm and arm.

Eye Contact
Intense direct eye contact is common, looking away is a sign of disinterest and/or that you are behaving rude.

02 June 2010

Some Ideas for Your Summer Vacation in Scotland!

Aberdeen is referred to as the Granite City. It provides a great scope for shopping, night life, and sightseeing. One of the most popular attractions of Aberdeen is the Winter Gardens and Duthie Park. This park is located on the Banks of River Dee and many couples come to the city for romantic weekend breaks and take a stroll along the banks of the river during your Scotland vacation.

The Winter Gardens is a home to beautiful glass houses and amazing plants. The city centre of Aberdeen contains the Union Street, with hundreds of shops and two shopping centres. Aberdeen has some of the most famous art galleries and museums in the world. Some of them are Provost Skene's House, Tolbooth, Aberdeen maritime Museum, and the Aberdeen art gallery. It is also one of the major seaports of Europe.

Aberdeen is also home to Robert Gordon's and Aberdeen University. It has a popular football team that is well loved by the locals. The city is also a popular holiday destination for short breaks and long weekend stays with many couples staying in self catering holiday apartments.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is regarded as the party capital of Europe, a perfect idea for a Scotland vacation f you like to go out!. Some of the best parties occur during Hogmanay on New Year's Eve and the worl famous International festival in August. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Edinburgh are Edinburgh Castle, the Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre, the Writers Museum, the National library of Scotland and the Royal Museum.

What to Do About Scotland

Scotland vacation packages are a great idea for a family holiday staying in a self catering holiday cottage. There's a lot to do while holidaying in Scotland with the Edinburgh Christmas Market a popular tourist destination. Many tourists like to visit during Christmas and the New Year and try to take part in the famous New Year's Eve celebrations.

Glencoe is famous throughout the world and many families try to visit this marvellous place when on vacation to Scotland. It has stunning scenery and the views from Glencoe are regarded as some of the best in Scotland. Many holiday makers rent a holiday cottage near Glencoe and are enchanted by its peace and tranquility.

To get to Glencoe you must travel along the A82 and many holiday makers are amazed by the stunning scenery as they drive along this road. It has superb woodlands and small streams winding their way down this picturesque mountain side.The area is particularly popular with climbers and walkers who can spend their holidays exploring the maze of climbs and walks in this area.

Scotland Has Beautiful Nature All Around You!

Scotland vacation packages aren't just about festivals, however, and many visitors choose to combine a visit to the Edinburgh Festival with a Highlands and islands escape; and Scotland's rugged beauty, low population density and diverse wildlife make it very popular with outdoor enthusiasts.

Scotland's outdoor sports vacations aren’t just good - they are world class. In September 2007, the UCI Mountain Bike and Trials World Championships will come to the small town of Fort William in the Scottish Highlands, offering a fantastic opportunity to witness the big names and Olympic champions of the mountain biking world, as well as to see the rising stars of the future tearing up the mud in a beautiful setting. There will be about 750 competitors from around 50 nations; and if you fancy your chances, you can even have a go at riding the downhill and cross country competition courses yourself.

For those that like their nature a little more relaxed, Scotland's vast system of walking trails provide the ideal way to escape into the wilds and witness the beauty of the land for themselves. All lengths and difficulties of walking and mountaineering are catered for, from short strolls with the kids, to multi-day hikes into the wilderness.

Anglers and golfers flock to Scotland's clean rivers and famous courses, while water babies can take advantage of Scotland's vast coastline, with hundreds of inlets and islands perfect for exploring in a kayak. Such areas also offer a good chance of seeing Scotland's marine wildlife, which includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. A Scotland vacation package is your perfect summer escape!

A Summer Away in Scotland

Whilst much of England and Wales has been battered by torrential rains causing wave upon wave of flooding, Scotland - not normally renowned for great weather - has completely escaped the severe downpours and has been enjoying a notably drier summer than its Southern counterparts. A great idea? A Scotland vacation package this summer!

Each year between July and September, Edinburgh plays host the largest arts festival in the world, drawing crowds from all over the world to indulge in an eclectic collection of culture, music, films, books and comedy on show across various venues within the city. Commonly referred to as the Edinburgh Festival, the event it is in fact a collection of discrete festivals, which includes the Festival Fringe, the Edinburgh Film Festival and the Edinburgh Book Festival among many others. A great time to take that trip to Scotland!

Despite the vast majority of performers at the Edinburgh Festival being amateur performers and students, some of today's biggest names on the UK comedy and theatre performance circuits attribute the Edinburgh Festival as helping them make their breakthrough into the public eye.

More Popular Golf Courses in Scotland

The Ailsa Course

The Turnberry Golf Club in Scotland is perhaps the most famous in Scotland. It contains three courses, but it is The Ailsa that is the best and most challenging. Looking out across the Mull of Kintyre, the Isle of Arran and the castle of Robert the Bruce, it is certainly the most scenic golf course in Scotland. But there's more here than fine views; the strong winds demand even stronger drives, the ninth hole (with a tee perched on the edge of the sea) is justly famous, and the course as a whole is an absolute delight to play on.

Kingsbarns Golf Links

Stunningly designed by Kyle Phillips, this course is a masterpiece of links craftsmanship that hugs the coastline - the North Sea is never out of sight. This intricate and demanding course is only a decade old, but is already ranked as one of the finest in Scotland. Watch out for the par five 12th hole, the signature hole on the Kingsbarns Golf Links. Kyle Phillips may be a Californian, but he has created one of the very best Scottish links courses in existence today.

Gleneagles Kings Course

There are a number of outstanding Gleneagles courses that are well worth playing on your golf holiday in Scotland, but the Gleneagles Kings Course is the pick of the bunch; it is truly a course worthy of kings. Designed by James Braid, it offers breathtaking views and superb design that has been delighting and challenging golfers since 1919.

Famous Golf Courses in Scotland

As the pound continues to tumble against the Euro, UK golfers looking to travel abroad may find themselves frustrated by the increased cost of travel, accommodation and green fees in Europe. Traditional golf holiday destinations such as France and the Algarve have become more expensive, but the increased cost of golf abroad is the perfect excuse to rediscover some of the finest golf courses in the UK.

Keen players looking for the perfect UK golf break need look no further than Scotland -its dramatic combination of coastal and mountain scenery provides a stunning backdrop for a Scotland golf holiday, and Scotland's numerous championship courses are favoured by the very best players in the world. It is the home of the links course - flat coastal courses with few trees or water hazards, where the wind can have a dramatic effect on your game. While the Scottish links design has been much emulated around the world, it has never been bettered.

There are literally hundreds of courses to choose from in Scotland golf vacations, including many of the world's biggest and best alongside countless smaller hidden gems. But if you want to play on the most famous and world renowned courses on your golf holiday in Scotland.

Reasons to Visit Scotland!

Did you know that you can enjoy the beach sun in Scotland as well as participate in extreme watersports like Kayaking? Did you also know that a Scotland vacation package is just that exact place that you need to visit before you die if you're a big fan of cars? Yes, Scotland has the pet-friendly Mellon Udrigle Beach. It's also in Scotland where you'll find the one-of-its-kind, The Museum of Transport.

This is the reason why other countries can't match Scotland tourism. Where else can you find "urban" cities with castles and other “historic” relics other than Scotland? The Edinburgh Castle is just one of those many medieval castles that are still standing in the country. Scotland also has a couple of historic cathedrals to brag about in their tourism brochures.

Scotland vacation packages also shine in the dining and shopping department. The country has award winning restaurants that let tourists experience dining on a skyline, under a line vessel and at a "boat hotel". Scotland too can give you a satisfying shopping experience. It's only in Scottish shops that you can purchase beautiful Celtic jewelry, textiles and knitwear.

Places to Visit on Your Scotland Vacation

Skye itself is a must for any Scotland vacation, and is a beautiful and mysterious island. Dunvegan castle is the seat of the Macleod clan, and still hold the remnants of the 'Fairy Flag' that the MacLeods carried into battle. They believed that the flag could call up a fairy army to help them when needed.

Now you must visit Loch Ness and see if you can spot the Loch Ness Monster - many have, and it is amazing how a few good Scottish malt whiskies (no 'e' in Scots whisky) make the monster much easier to spot. You pass the loch on your way to Inverness that every Scotland vacation should include in its itinerary. The ancient capital of the highlands, Inverness is just a short drive away from the aforementioned Culloden, where you can still see the mounds under which the clansmen were buried in mass graves after the slaughter. Fought on 16th April, 1746, it was the last battle on British soil, and the last in which claymores tried to defeat muskets and bayonets.

Other places you must visit while on vacation in the Scottish highlands and lowlands include Fife and St. Andrews, with its championship links golf courses, Stirling Castle, Falkirk and the Monument to William Wallace of 'Braveheart' fame and many other great Scottish historical sites. You must visit a distillery or two and try out the single malt whiskies, and Rosslyn Chapel is worth a visit. Close to Edinburgh, this has connections with the Knights Templar, and features in Dan Brown's book 'The Da Vinci Code'.

Advice on Your Scottish Trip

First, if traveling from a distance, such as anywhere in the USA, you must travel at least business class. It is 5 hours out and 8 hours back (due to the jet stream), so you will want to travel in comfort. Then you should have personal attention - your personal guide, individual car and chauffeur and first class rail travel. The accommodation in Scotland is generally excellent, but even that should be extra special just for you and your partner or friend.

Scotland's capital city is Edinburgh, and is universally acclaimed as one of the most beautiful in the world. Its main street, Princes Street, is lined with stores and boutiques on one side, and by the gardens on the other where you cannot miss the famous Edinburgh Castle, perched high on a volcanic plug overlooking the entire city. The largest city in the country is Glasgow, about an hour drive away, designed largely by Sir Charles Rennie Mackintosh and home of the famous Burrell collection of art. Glasgow is second only to London as the largest retail center in the UK.

Having visited these two magnificent cities your Scotland vacation should now leave the lowlands of your Scotland vacation package, and head for the Scottish highlands. The beauty of Loch Lomond, the longest inland loch in the UK, deserves its reputation, and you mustn't miss it when visiting Scotland. Luss, on the banks of the loch, is a good place to stop for a pint of Scottish beer and to see how kilts bagpipes are made. The bagpipes are Scotland's national musical instrument, though some my debate the term 'musical'.

A Scottish Getaway

"You tak' the high Road an' I'll tak' the low road" and we will enjoy a Scottish vacation together, in the Scottish highlands and in the lowlands of Bonnie Scotland. Most people visit Edinburgh and then claim they have "done Scotland". Others head straight for the Isle of Skye or for Gleneagles Hotel or St. Andrews for a round of golf and then claim the same thing.

You don't "do Scotland" in a day, or even a few days. Ten days to two weeks is what it takes to experience what Scotland vacation packages have to offer, and even that is nothing more than a taste of more to come should you wish to return - and most do. So what is needed for you to see Scotland in all her glory? This proud country that has withstood the ravages of invading English, sometimes with great success and sometimes not?

One of the first things you will notice on your Scotland vacation, whether in the Scottish highlands or in the lowlands, is the pride of the people in their country and of their friendliness to visitors. Then you notice the scenery and everything else that makes Scotland what it is. Let's start on your ideal vacation in Scotland with the type of service you should expect.

Scotland Golf Packages

Well, there's no getting away from it. If you decide on a golfing vacation in Scotland, there is no doubt that you are in for the most challenging golfing experiences. With this in mind, Europeans, Americans and even Australians make the trek to Scotland on a weekly basis, with the sole purpose of taking up this once in a lifetime challenge. Traditional links golf, composure, isolation and outstanding natural beauty - the Scotland golf package provides some of the best championship golf courses in the world, to suit every budget and every ability.

Winter is the best time for playing golf i.e. October to March is the primo time for golfing. Scotland golf package come out with varieties in it, which includes Scotland golf tours, Scotland golf breaks and Scotland golf vacations. Scotland golf package offer you with different types of tour itineraries staring from 1 night packages to 7 nights packages.

Scotland and Golf!

Apart from bakes and cakes, Scotland is famous for "Golf". Scotland is one of the sizzling tourist destinations in the world. The Scotland vacation, Scotland golf vacation and Scotland vacation packages are famous all over the world. Scotland Golf accommodations are known for their excellence, comforts and luxuries. They offer the discriminating picturesque views full of romances. And undoubtedly Scotland provides you with some of the finest hotels for golf accommodation. There are hotels in every area of Scotland, from Edinburgh to Inverness, from the Borders to the Highlands. Affordable or luxurious, lively or serene - whatever you're after, you're guaranteed to find a Scottish hotel to match your needs. Golf accommodation in Scotland has literally countless hotels to offer.

Golf accommodations in Scotland are perfect for the links enthusiast who wants to get a round or more! - Into a leisure or business break, or wants to make an entire golfing holiday and itinerary. Golf courses on site or nearby some of these notable hotels mean your golfing adventure is never more than a few minutes away. Bring your clubs, pack your golf bag, throw in your plus fours and be ready for a golf holiday to remember at one of our golf accommodation!
