15 February 2011

In Love With Provence

Recently I’ve been on this Provence kick. I don’t know exactly what it is but the culture and beauty of this wondrous region has made me fall in love. Be it the peaceful one-lane roads lined with olive trees, the colorful and delicious smelling lavender fields, or just the laid-back, enjoy-life type of lifestyle the locals live – everything has got me wanting more Provence. You know what’s awesome about Sceptre Tours? They’ve got some packages that are perfect for the Provence lover – European river cruise packages that take you straight into the heart of the region. But more on that later.

Ahhh Provence… how I adore thee. As Lonely Planet puts it, “There is no more sun-and-celebrity-rich part of southern France than this iconic wedge of glittering coast, mountain retreat, Roman temple and gastronomic art de vivre.” And I couldn’t have said it any better. Sensual experiences abound, Provence is the place to really feel life. Sights and smells are aplenty. Provence is the place to hunt for truffles, pick fresh lavender and chestnuts, hunt through bustling markets, and just sit back at a leisurely café and sip a café au lait. Provence stretches to the glorious Côte d'Azur, where tanned celebrities grace white sand beaches and red carpets. It’s where alfresco dining becomes the main way to eat and riding a bike, the main way to get around. To counteract all this zen, Marseille sits on the Côte d'Azur, and its hustle and bustle and urban art scene will wake you up a bit. There is also Monte Carlo, with its skyscrapers towering over the Mediterranean and glitz and glamour are aplenty. Safe to say, Provence has it all. And I love it all. I wish I was there right now!

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