17 February 2011

A Kiss of Popularity - Ireland's Famed Blarney Stone

You know, if I had the opportunity to make myself more eloquent and popular, I think I’d take it. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy being liked? But would I kiss a dirty, old stone that millions of lips have touched throughout the years? Maybe not. I value my health. Thousands of people would disagree with me though. The famous Stone of Eloquence at Ireland’s Blarney Castle has been receiving hearty smooches for hundreds of years. There are many theories as to how the stone arrived at the Castle but one thing is certain, believers are sure that a kiss to the stone will bring them the “gift of gab.”

So, how did this legend come to be? Some say it was Jacob’s Pillow, brought to Ireland by the prophet Jeremiah. Here it became the Lia Fail or ‘Fatal Stone’, used as an oracular throne of Irish kings. It was also believed to be the deathbed pillow of St Columba on the island of Iona. Legend has it that it was relocated to mainland Scotland, where it served as the prophetic power of royal succession. King of Munster and builder of Blarney Castle, Cormac MacCarthy, sent five thousand men to support Robert the Bruce in his defeat of the English at Bannockburn in 1314. In return, a portion of the magical stone was given to him and placed in the castle.

It is believed that a witch who was saved from drowning was the one to reveal the magical powers of the stone to Cormac MacCarthy, saying that “There is a stone that whoever kisses, oh! he never misses to grow eloquent ‘tis he may clamber to a lady’s chamber, or become a member of parliament.” Since then, visitors have been coming to the stone to receive its powers. Back in the day, visitors had to be held by the ankles and lowered head first over the battlements. It has since been made more accessible. All you have to do is climb the castle, lie on your rear, arch your head back into a deep crevice and kiss the stone upside down while gripping two iron railings.

So, any of you readers out there who have been to see the Blarney Stone, have its powers worked on you? Please, do share!

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